Teeth whitening: you have the choice of take home trays or in surgery bleeching with zoom laser.
Veneer: covers half of your tooth. You have the choice of composite veneers (white fillings that are done in chair), or porcelaine veneers (made in lab by technicians). You can see some of Dr Kim Dang’s works in the album “Composite fillings” here or “Veneers” album here.
Gum graft: Recession of the gum caused by inappropriate brushing technique can lead to sensitivity, compromising aesthetics and can lead to tooth fracture, tooth death, gum and bone lost and tooth lost. With regular check-up, we can pick that up early. Gum graft can be done with tissue harvested from your palate, or Alloderm ®. You can see some of Dr Kim Dang’s works in the Gum graft album on our facebook page here.